Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Weekly Market Activity Report: The Market Got Snowed In!

You never realize how much one event can affect so many other things until you look back on the results after the fact. Remember that huge snow storm on Virginia? Well that one event stopped people from house hunting and house selling and basically halted overall market activity.

The week ending February 13th, new listings dropped 1200 units and accepted offers dropped 900 units. The good news about seeing numbers drop that low is that they are showing signs of coming back up pretty fast.

New listings are still down compared to last year, but pending sales are up. Active listings sales are down compared to last year, but up compared to 2003.

Let's hope that the promise of spring ahead will have the opposite affect on the market that this whale of a snow storm did.

For the full MRIS Weekly Market Activity Report, click here.

Helena Talbot
Exit Realty Talbot and Company 

Phone: 703-574-3800


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