Friday, December 18, 2009

Loudoun County: Thoughtful Citizens Can Change the World

Margaret Mead once said, "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

In November, Loudoun County was the proud winner of the 2009 Green Government Challenge sponsored by the Virginia Municipal League. Loudoun won "green points" by adopting policies and actions leading to energy efficiency within the community.

Even more recently, on December 15th, Loudoun County Board of Supervisors adopted the county's first comprehensive plan for reducing energy usage among the community.

The grant will be used for projects like installing solar lights and recharging units for electric vehicles, conservation education and outreach for residents and business community, and energy efficient renovations through the county’s Home Improvement Program.

23 Loudoun County Public School's have received the EPA Energy Star Award this year, up from seven a year ago.

Living in a community so motivated to improve our planet, inspires all of us to do our part. Making your home more energy efficient is two fold. One, you will save yourself money. And two, you will reduce your carbon footprint.

What can you do to energy proof your home this winter? Here are some small changes that actually make a big difference.

Check toilets and faucets for water leakage. A leaky faucet can waste up to 2,100 gallons of water a year.

Locate air leaks that could be coming through electrical outlets, window frames, baseboards, attic hatches, or fireplace dampers. The potential energy savings from reducing drafts in a home may range from 5% to 30% per year.

Purchase energy efficient lamps. Energy for lighting accounts for about 10% of your electric bill.

Use heat-generating appliances such as washers, dryers or ovens during the cooler hours of the morning or evening. This actually helps to heat your house in the winter!

When the sun is shining, open those drapes or curtains! Take advantage of that natural heat source.

There are a ton of other actions you can take. Find out how much energy and money can be saved in your home by visiting the Home Energy Saver Website. It features a calculator that quickly computes a home's energy use and savings opportunities.

Loudoun County recognizes that what we do as a community, makes a difference. Thoughtful and committed we are - ready to make a difference in our community, and the world, one citizen at a time.

Helena Talbot
Exit Realty Talbot and Company 

Phone: 703-574-3800


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