Friday, January 8, 2010

Loudoun County: Tough through 2009, Ready for 2010

Let's be honest. We might all be taking a big sigh of relief now that 2009 is over. Its been a long year full of stress and suffering for many.

No town has been untouched by the economy. But I'd like to think that Loudoun County's strong economic background and motivated community members have kept it more than afloat through this infamous year of 2009...

Golf reemerged itself as a sports pillar of the area. Not only did the 1757 Golf Club open in May, replacing the retired Presidential Golf Club, but we welcomed Donald Trump as the newest owner of the Lowes Island County Club. There are plans to renovate the club and rename it Trump National Golf Club. As we all know, having the Trump name associated with your town is always a welcome addition.

We welcomed new businesses. The Associated Builders and Contractors of Virginia and Guernsey Office Products as well as new facilities, the Purceville Public Safety Center and the Ashburn North Park and Ride Lot.

Our already solid school system continued to grow with the opening of three new elementary schools, school enrollment growth by more than 5% and the hiring of 585 new teachers.

Loudoun County added a few more badges of honor to its collection when it won the top award in the 2009 Green Government Challenge and received a Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for their 2010 Fiscal Year Budget.

And last, but not least, the town of Ashburn, VA in Loudoun County is now proud to officially call itself home to the NFL Washington Redskins.

If this is what can happen in a bad year, can you imagine what is possible as the economy improves? Loudoun County real estate is a great investment. Its history, beauty and big community players speak for itself. I would love to help you find a home and join us on the ride back up as we greet 2010 with open arms.

Helena Talbot
Exit Realty Talbot and Company 

Phone: 703-574-3800


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