Buying a home is a very exciting time but you need to be diligent and do your research very thoroughly. You may be spending the rest of your life living in this neighborhood. Doesn't it make sense to spend a significant amount of time checking it out first? Here are a few things you must check before signing on the dotted line.
1. Check The Crime Stats - Don't assume you know whether or not it is a good neighborhood. Check the sex offender registry. Google your address - you may find out that your house was once a meth lab or worse. Check the crime maps for the area, you may be very surprised at what you find.
2. How Recession Proof Is The Neighborhood - Is the neighborhood in good proximity to job opportunities. Is it an area that has a multitude of subprime loans that could result in default and leave the neighborhood with a huge supply and no demand. Look for a more than normal amount of "For Sale" signs or foreclosure notices on the windows. Check to see if all of the homes for sale in the area all have major price reductions or if it costs less to buy than to rent. All of these are good indicators that this is a pretty hard hit area and you may need to think twice. However, on the same note, you will find some great deals here as well. So if you are in it for the long haul you should be alright. You just don't want to get stuck in an upside down home if you end up needing to sell quickly.
3. Does The Area Match Your Needs - Does the neighborhood have the types of things your enjoy, such as your hobbies, hot spots you like to frequent, parks and recreation, your favorite restaurants.
4. Does The Area Have Your Necessities - Are your favorite grocery stores available or how far would you have to drive to get to them. Is daycare close by. What about the gym and the nail salon etc.
5. Check The Neighborhood At Different Times Of The Day And Night - This is probably up there with one of the most important things you need to check. Sometimes a neighborhood will look perfectly normal during the day; however, a drive through during the night exposes a whole other element that you would definitely not want to live around.
These are just a few things that you need to check now and again before you sign your mortgage paperwork because neighborhood dynamics can change quickly and frequently. The very best way to help avoid a big mistake is to talk to your realtor. Your realtor has access to all of this information at their fingertips and they would be more than happy to help you get your ducks in a row before you commit to one of the biggest decisions of your life.
specialize in helping buyers and sellers invest in real estate in Loudoun County and Northern Virginia.
have over 25 years experience in the real estate industry. As a Broker/Owner with Exit Realty Talbot
and Company, I bring special tools and solutions that enable me to exceed the
expectations of my clientele. If you
are considering listing your property in Loudoun County or the nearby areas,
ask me about our latest internet marketing systems. I would appreciate the opportunity to earn your business. I am experienced in listing and selling
short sales. For information on the
short sale process, please visit
past awards and designations include – 2003 President of the Dulles Association
of Realtors, 2003 Dulles Area Assoc Realtor of the Year, Salesperson of the
year 2000 Dulles Area Assoc of Realtors,
Top Producer awards from both the Dulles Area Association and the
Northern Virginia Association of Realtors.
I am a member of the Top 5 in Real Estate Network.
have lived in Loudoun County since 1979. I am married with two grown children and two grandchildren. My son in law is my business partner in real
estate. I love to jog in the mornings
and spend time relaxing on my Trawler during the summer months.
Loudoun County and Northern Virginia Real Estate Sales and
Solutions – Helena Talbot, Broker. I specialize in
helping buyers and sellers invest in real estate in the Northern Virginia area
to include Loudoun County and surrounding areas including Fairfax, Clarke,
Fauquier, Prince William Counties. Our local neighborhoods include Leesburg, Ashburn, Sterling, Potomac
Falls, Brambleton, Broadlands, Lansdowne, River Creek, Belmont Country Club,
Beacon Hill, Shenstone, Waterford, Lovettsville, Purcellville, Hamilton, Round
Hill and Bluemont.
Cell 703.727.9885 Office